Thursday, July 7, 2011

29 weeks 4 days

I had another ultrasound last week. Baby was measuring 2lbs 3oz at 28 weeks 4 days. He was head down and everything looked good.

Today I had an ultrasound with my new OB. Baby is now breech transverse again. His rump is in my pelvis, his head is on my left side and he's playing with his toes. Hopefully he gets back to where he's supposed to be soon.

I'm going to be tested for Group B Strep at my 34 week appointment, since the baby has to come out early. GBS testing is usually done around 36 weeks.

She wrote on my chart that I was to have a 37 week induction.

She also wanted to see me next week, but since I see my Perinatologist next week, she's going to wait to see me again in two weeks because she doesn't want me having too many appointments in a week LOL Which means I will actually be having Biophysical Profiles (BPPs) and Non-Stress Tests (NSTs) Every week, starting NOW.

I really love her. She is an awesome doctor. Her nurses are wonderful. The ladies at the front desk are great. It's a real classy facility and I feel much more comfortable there than I did at the last office which was like "public health" and left MUCH to be desired.

The blood pressure headache is starting to return between pills, and I woke up this morning with swollen lips again. We will see how many more mornings I can make that happen. My Perinatologist might have to up my BP meds again. My fasting numbers are also on the rise again, so my insulin will probably also have to go up soon.

Other than that, Baby is looking good. He's gained a little weight (but that's questionable given the fact that it's not the same ultrasound machine), and I have gained NO weight. Which actually makes me happy LOL

Oh, Dr Holley has also referred me for my EKG and Echocardiogram which the OTHER doctor was SUPPOSED to do WEEKS ago. They have to hunt down an opthamologist for my eye exam though. And I was supposed to do some labs today, but somehow they got forgotten as I was the LAST patient there today LOL