Wednesday, June 15, 2011

26 weeks 3 days

I had my appointment with the perinatologist today.

They did an ultrasound to check baby's movement and his breathing. Baby is taking some regular practice breaths, which they can see with the rise and fall of the diaphram.

Baby looks good. Placenta looks good. Cord looks good.

I have to stop by the lab tomorrow after my OB appointment (I was exhausted today and it was too hot to stop again!) They are going to run some labs on me (CBC and Metabolic panel). We are also going to do another 24 hour urine collection to check for protein and creatinine.

He's upping my BP med to twice a day. That should help with the headaches. If I'm not feeling better in a week and the headaches and swelling are still going on, then I need to call and they will either up me again or we will try a new med.

He also wrote me out a prescription for a blood pressure cuff/machine since my old one is now fubar'ed. If my insurance happens to not cover it, they have a program where they can send a nurse out once a take to take my BP and do a urine collection daily so that I don't have to come in every day or be in the hospital.

I'm to continue to try my best to stay off my feet as much as possible, but I'm NOT on specific bed rest at this time. And NO HOSPITAL. YAY!!!!

He's not worried about the face swelling (weird) or the three week long headache (because it goes away when my BP is down).

We are going to watch me super close now, not that we weren't already though.

I will have another big ultrasound in two weeks to check out baby's size to see if he's growing more or not. Since there are some concerns about his size and possible IUGR (interuterine growth restriction). If his growth percentile starts to decrease, we could have a problem, but he looks good right now, even though he's tiny.

As far as my diabetes, my blood sugar looks FANTASTIC.

I did mention to him that I'm really not feeling good, and when I don't feel good, I tend to eat whatever I want to, even if I'm not supposed to. In a "Get the fuck away from me, I'm eating the damn brownies and I don't care what you have to say about it" kind of way. I only have SO MUCH self control and the more stressed or anxious I am right now, the less able I am to handle controlling what I put in my mouth. He didn't give me the green light to eat whatever I want, but he said my numbers look good and he's not worried if I have to eat some brownies LOL

As far as my weight gain goes, I'm up four pounds since my last visit two weeks ago. I had that massive weight loss, so I'm still down 37lbs, but I've gained 6lbs from my all time low. Which is really good. At least I'm not losing MORE. It's the brownies I tell you!!!! Six pounds of brownies, straight to my thighs and ass!!! LOL