Thursday, May 26, 2011

23 weeks 4 days

After a week's worth of home monitoring of my blood pressure, the doctor called me and has decided that my blood pressure is consistently elevated and that I needed to start taking medication. I will be taking a medication called Labetalol twice a day, starting tonight. Ultimately, I am thankful that we can go the medication route instead of going straight to bed rest like my OB/GYN suggested would happen. I cannot imagine being a full time mother of four and being on bed rest for the next 3 1/2 months or so.

I was also given a supply of insulin and syringes. I have to inject myself with insulin at bedtime to bring my fasting numbers down. At this point, it is highly likely that the dosage, which is currently 10 units, will have to be increased over the remainder of my pregnancy. Most pregnant women with gestational diabetes will generally have to have their insulin needs increased around their 30th week due to placenta and fetal grown, increased resistance hormones, and increased speed of insulin breakdown.

Currently, this particular insulin is one that works over a long period of time, basically an extended release. The nurse said it does NOT carry the same risk as the Glyburide does in the sense of sugars dropping too low in the middle of the night and possible death, which was a relief for my heart and mind!! She also said it will start working INSTANTLY. I won't have to wait 3 or more days to figure out if my body is going to have an issue with it, or if it's going to work at all.

I am confident that no matter what happens, that I am possibly in the best hands that I could EVER be in. I didn't know it at the time, but my doctor is basically the BEST doctor in this area for me. He was actually appointed Medical Director of High Risk Ultrasound and Fetal Testing for an entire group of hospitals in our area, which includes five hospitals. It goes a long ways, knowing that your doctor is competent.

My next baby appointment is with him on the second, for an ultrasound and followup. I'm sure there will be other tests done at that time too now, considering the medication addition and the fact that now I will need to be monitored even more closely.

Until more day at a time.